
Classes and Courses
Choose your preferred way of learning!
ViVa is committed to providing courses that not only fit every skill level and background, but also infuse our supportive and innovative teaching approach. Check out our current course offerings below.

About ViVa
Our Story
Mr. Vinnie has been part of the community in Mizue for 8 years, working for two different schools as an English teacher.
Over this time, he has built a strong connection with the people of Mizue with his professional manner and friendly personality, becoming a familiar face in the classroom and around town.
Thanks to his commitment to teaching and his love for motivating students, not only have several of them been able to pass various English exams, they have also become fluent English communicators.
In fact, it is the parent of one of Mr. Vinnie’s students who came to him with the idea of opening a language school.
The story of ViVa Language School is the story of the connection between teacher and student.
We welcome you to be part of this wonderful story, too.

Get in Touch
ViVa is 1 minute walk from Mizue station
ViVa は都営新宿線「瑞江」駅より徒歩1分です
Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests
ViVa Language School

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday:
9:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 17:00
by appointment
Visit us!